#2 Team Commissions
As a Xooma Member, the Dual Team Organization is the basis of your Prosperity Plan.

In addition to direct sales, your focus will be on developing an organization of other Members in two teams below you.
These teams are also called your 'legs.' In this simple but powerful plan you have a team on your left side and a team on your right side. As you personally help new Members join your organization you can place them in either of your teams. New Members can also be placed into your teams for you by your Sponsor (or other Members above you) in addition to the efforts of those Members below you in your organization.
The sales volume generated by the Members of your two teams accumulates in each leg until you are eligible for a pay cycle.*
The pay cycle is activated when the pay volume (PV) in your pay leg (the team with the lesser amount of sales volume) reaches 160PV. Depending on your qualification level, you’ll earn 15% of the PV in your lesser volume leg on EVERY pay cycle. These pay cycles are calculated and paid to you every week.
As the sales volume in your two teams continues to grow, you’ll be eligible for more and more pay cycles - allowing you to earn up to $15,000 per week in Team Commissions! The sales volume remaining in your stronger volume leg (plus any sales volume remaining in your lesser volume leg which does not generate a pay cycle) continues to accumulate (aka 'carry over') until you’re eligible for more pay cycles.

*As long as you remain active with an order of at least 25QV per month, the sales volume in your organization will continue to accumulate until you are eligible for a pay cycle†. If you become inactive, your accumulated volume will be reset to zero.
* Active Members with less than 100QV in monthly volume can carry over 6 months of accumulated volume.
* Income Disclaimer: As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual efforts to build and grow a Xooma business. There are guarantees and assurances concerning the level of success and income you may experience. Your ability to attain the results shown in this example will be dependent on the time, energy and efforts you devote to your business.