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Facts About Water

Why Water is Critical to Your Good Health

Your body is approximately 70% water. The most critical fluid in your body, your blood, is also mostly water.

Your muscles, skin, and vital organs all contain and need large amounts of water for optimal health.

And water transports oxygen to your cells, delivers nutrients, removes waste, and provides energy to the body.

The Body’s Need for Hydration?

Your body loses approximately 2.5 liters of water every day, just through normal bodily functions.

You lose water through urination, respiration, and perspiration. If you are physically active or athletic, you lose even more water.

Although "thirst" is an obvious sign of dehydration, the truth is your body is in need of water long before you feel thirsty.

There are many symptoms of dehydration, from mild to severe. Some of the more mild forms of dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles, lower back pain, headaches, constipation, muscle cramps.

Growing Concerns about our Water Quality*

While drinking water is one of the most important daily needs for your body, studies are revealing the presence of more contaminants, not only in our drinking water but also in bottled water.

According to a recent article in Reader's Digest, modern-day tap water can contain some pretty surprising things, including antibiotics, arsenic, fertilizers, lead, pesticides, rocket fuel and more.

This alarming concern over the safety of today's municipal water certainly explains the growing popularity of bottled water in the past 10 years.

* Studies and articles by Readers Digest (August 2011), NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) (June 2003), Cornell University Cooperative Extension (February 2012), The New York Times (December 2009), TODAY Health (February 2012)

Why Water as opposed to Sodas and Coffee?

The human body is designed to consist of at least 70% water.

Unfortunately, many of today's popular drinks such as coffee and sodas are a major factor that contribute to dehydration and unhealthy acidic conditions within the body.

Do you know how much water it takes to neutralize the acid in just one soda?

It can take up to 30 glasses of purified water to neutralize the acid from one 12 oz. soda.

Each time you choose to drink an acidic beverage, your body uses its own mineral buffers to protect you from these dangerous acids and maintain your healthy blood pH level of 7.35-7.45.

Is Bottled Water the Right Answer?

It's clear that while consuming water is important, consuming purified water is vital.

And while bottled water does provide more purity, most brands of bottled water are still “acidic” to the body (because their pH readings fall below 7) and don't offer optimal hydration due to the lack of minerals and electrolytes.

As a result, many health experts often refer to today's bottled waters as “dead water.”

For example, reports are now surfacing about health problems from long-time consumers of distilled water – directly attributable to the lack of minerals in their water and in their body.

So the right answer is combining purified water with an X2O sachet, to create all the benefits of more energized, alkalized and mineralized water...which means more health benefits for you!

The Solution: Hydrate, Mineralize & Revitalize with X2O

As you've already learned, X2O delivers three main benefits:

#1 Increasing the alkalinity (pH) of your water

#2 Optimizing hydration

#3 Revitalizing your body with 70+ essential trace minerals

This simple and amazingly affordable product naturally transforms your water to help you create a positive transformation in your daily health.

Plain water is dead. Bring your water back to life with X2O!

Supplemental X2O Facts


Supplemental Facts

Serving Size: 1 Gram Sachet

  • Amount Per serving %Daily Value
    Highly Active Calcium 947mg
  • Magnesium 34mg
  • L-Asorbic Acid 5mq
  • Silver Trace Trace Minerals 14mg
    (Including Chromium, Sodium and Potassium)